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China discovers new epicenter of coronavirus

China detected 118 COVID-19 cases over the last day; 106 of them were seen in the country, Report mentions, citing the State Health Committee.

However, the country did not register coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours.

Szilin province has become the epicenter due to the number of cases of intra-area infections. Yesterday, the region recorded 43 issues of the disease. However, two days ago, this number was 30.

Earlier, the eastern province of Hubei observed the worst situation. Over the past day, it disclosed 35 cases in the region. All of them are located in the administrative center of the province – Shijiazhuang. Two days ago, 54 cases of infection were detected in Hubei (52 in Shijiazhuang).

Due to Beijing's location in Hubei Province, access to the capital is restricted from areas with unfavorable epidemiological conditions. Beijing announced one case yesterday.

So far, 88,454 people in China have been diagnosed with COVID-19, of which 4,635 died, and 82,432 recovered.

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