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Denmark evacuates Afghans working for Kabul embassy
Danish lawmakers have agreed to evacuate 45 Afghan citizens who worked for Denmark's government in Afghanistan and offer them residency in the European country for two years.
The plan approved Wednesday applies to people who worked at the Danish Embassy in Kabul and as interpreters for Danish troops. Demark, like other Western nations, including the U.S., recently pulled its remaining troops out of Afghanistan. Denmark opened its embassy in Kabul in 2006.
Current and former embassy employees from within the past two years are eligible for evacuation along with their spouses and children. According to a foreign ministry statement, the effort to get them out of Afghanistan must begin as soon as possible but be carried out gradually "so that the embassy still can function."
"The security situation in Afghanistan is serious. The Taliban are gaining ground, and development is accelerating more than many had feared," the Danish Foreign Affairs Ministry said after the evacuation plan received broad political support.
"We have a common responsibility to help the Afghans who are now threatened due to their connection and contribution to Denmark's involvement in Afghanistan," the ministry said.
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