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Tactical-special exercises in air defense units of Azerbaijani army

Tactical-special exercises are being held with the Azerbaijani combined arms army’s air defense units stationed in the front line, Report informs, referring to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

Anti-aircraft gunners on combat duty in difficult mountainous conditions demonstrate their knowledge and skills during practical firing.

The rapidly changing situation in modern combined arms operation requires all military personnel to have high maneuverability of anti-aircraft artillery units. To this end, the tasks of fire damage and destruction in a short time of air targets using anti-aircraft and artillery mounts and redeployment of units in difficult mountainous conditions are being worked out.

The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) crews’ skills to detect, track and destroy UAVs involved in the exercises are being inspected in practice.

The exercises continue with UAV crews practical firing at ground targets.

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